Wednesday, December 29, 2010

There is only one check box

Added some images to the Miko (titfuck and blow job), added some more jobs, make talisman, cooking, fortune telling.

Made all the check boxes instances another 20 things removed from start up and a couple hundred lines of code deleted. Will have to add instance versions on the option and character screen but the pens screen is up and working.

Added 2 new rooms, dark room and kitchen.

You know a nice lazy day.

Thanks to everyone who sent in the Erobeat solutions.



  1. I am first.
    I have some stupid question.
    Dungeon and stables have no "Cleaning" function, so how can i clean them?

  2. The dirtiest room is always the room that is cleaned first. Even if the cleaning option is not available the room will still be cleaned if it is the dirtiest in the house. And lets face it putting a maid in a dungeon and then telling her to clean it does not make much sense.


  3. Yesterday I tried the new version, the version laid out by the player, she's not loaded correctly ... check in mozile and opera ...

  4. Damn, I checked in Opera and mozile, but it does not work in them ... For the background of the initial window shows something (maybe video ?)...

  5. When you run out of Mozilla 3.6 with plug-in Adobe Flash, the game is loaded correctly, but strongly inhibits the bootstrap menu (about a minute), in addition, if you select a meditation, it is impossible to progress further ...

  6. @warlord.andrej
    it would be benficial if you were able to read, because in the text containing the link to this version it says "[...]oh and don't touch meditate it is rather odd."
