Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Slave Maker Update

So been playing with the new slave maker update... as a player. Lots of fun new stuff that Cmacleod42 has added as well as finally some new slaves, even if there beta's its nice to see that other people can make slaves. Peach was rather fun, lots of new stuff. Still haven't had a change to pay Aeris. Most interesting to me was that Shampoo was giving warnings of Ms. N events and one of the new assistants I used was using all of Mugi's code... though not updated for personality. Unless the neko, futanari, is a voyeur lesbian as well. But its good to see the code used.

Slave Maker's Blog


  1. try using mugi as your asstiant she helps with telling what endings you will be getting

  2. Ugh... I know, I was the one who created Mugi.


  3. Lol poor guy is going to feel really embarrassed now xD

  4. You are here stated Menace 1.21,
    And the game says that version 1.2.
    Here, more complete version or is it a misprint?

  5. Same version. 1.21 is just a tiny update to fix a bug. Cmacleod42 has the fix and it should be in the current version, probably just didn't update the numbering.


  6. great job with it daisy thank you for that 1 it really helps newbs out like me
