Example 1
MugiONE has met the fox... Learn Variable metfox and set to true. So when checked she returns true.
MugiTWO has never met the fox. So when checked she ALWAYS returns false. Because she doe not even have the variable metfox in her variable list.
Example 2
MugiONE has met the fox 3 times. Has learned variable metfoxcount and has it set to 3.
MugiTWO has never met the fox so even if metfoxcount is checking for zero it will still FAIL. She does not even have the variable on her list.
Lets looks at the xml... Like I said before it follows the evecheck and evechange syntax exactly just has a different call at the front.
System can check (eq and ne) and change boolean
System can check (eq and ne) and change string
System can check (eq, ne, lt, and gt) and change int
Text replacement works off the variable name... make sure the variable name is unique or may replace it everywhere. Tested to work with strings and int should work with bool as well but not tested.
This guide is finished or are you interested in suggestions?