Sunday, September 5, 2010


Sorry I couldn't resist this mezmerizing image. Yes I stole it from 4dawgz.

More bug stomping.


bug - radio buttons in counter wrong size after going to switching icon screen - fixed
new function resetRadioButtonSize
bug - labels in real estate wrong color - fixed
balancing - piercing is now only 5gp - tattooing now costs 50gp - normal rooms 200gp master bedrooms 300gp
bug - On inventory screen prev and next buttons displayed on top and bottom, but neither works. - these are now alpha dimmed out when inventory is less then 20 - fixed
bug - On inventory screen Home button barely seen. - moved it a bit the entire girl screen needs to be reworked - fixed not really
balancing - board suggestion - trainer (2x) and assistant (1.5x) now get a bonus when training the slave
new function factorRaise
new variable playerCharacter.charWhoOnDeck
board suggestion - assistants can now train class 1 or class 2 - this will be cleaned and changed later on i hope
saber's sleep wasn't worksafe it is now
bug - In the evening, shops are not closed. - they are now - fixed
bug - Some time the text boxes shading is not showing. - this seems to happen when you do an entire day training and at the event holder - fixed
bug - assistant name is coming up when doing daily events - was using the old charAsName - fixed
bug - for some god awful reason the quest button is floating in front of the text screen - reindexed to 20 seems fine - fixed
bug - Seems that after a bit of training, that personal training doesn't work. happened on day 4 morning - and day 5 morning - hmm seems to have something to do with the do nothing button - removed - did 15 days no issues - fixed
bug - repeat job button crashed game - ooh an external index haven't seen one of those in a while - fixed
bug - re-indexed pimp the girl was falling behind - fixed
bug - The big thing I noticed is that with a Saber archetype, the option to later buy more slaves vanished. Half the time their pictures were still there, but the only button still visible was the return to town one. - think this was an issue with the white space that fixed earlier - if not unable to reproduce
bug - The sanity icon is incorrect. - no idea why but sanity and nymph were on top of each other - fixed
bug - sex2 icon is large iconchanger - was 32 supposed to be 25 - fixed
bug - Coin quest is displayed in a light text. This is rather hard to read with that background. Suggest either darker background for the book, or changing the text color to be darker for the quests. - unable to reproduce or already fixed - fixed
bug - background lost again this time with 0 slaves but one in the pen paging through the day -

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