Friday, September 3, 2010


Was making good progress till work called, oh well will work on it again tonight. It still looks like a reasonable list for a night.


bug - town screen is on top of everything - fixed
bug - menace loses no health if meeting anarista - fixed
bug - assistant screen color changes tex size etc - fixed

bug - repeat button available with nothing to repeat personalized training - crap was using charMorning as both the room placement and the job repeat - fixed
new variables playerCharacter.charMorningRepeat, playerCharacter.charAfternoonRepeat, playerCharacter.charEveningRepeat, playerCharacter.charNightRepeat
bug - blacksmith screen has 2 town icons - fixed
bug - Walk-through still mentions assistant training as to be implemented later.- fixed
bug - Assistant pimping your slave does not lose virginity. - fixed
bug - slideshowbackground is appearing for no reason in work safe mode - hmm dragging start y is being changed - definitly an issue with the worksafe as well - possibly shildeShowFormatJob( - jobClean( definity from slideShowFormat(pic) - just why?? - nulls are evil - fixed
bug - Your current gold is not being shown in the auction house. - fixed
bug - white slide show is still showing on the auciton block - fixed
oops assistant training wern't work safe - fixed
Reported - Lock doesn't lower health - working as expected
bug - sv.girlTempNumber 3 line 813 failed after purchasing a saber slave and coming back okay any slave second time is failing... - oops had 10+ girls - fixe can not have more then 10 now...
update - may want to add an additional fake girl so going to the auction hall wont crash the game if you own 11 by a forced quest push. - added
bug - hmm had 1 slave and she kept falling out of the room - hmm bet its a pen's issue


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