Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Otherworld ~ Proof of Concept Download

Download is to your right. I will repeat that this is a proof of concept and not a fully working game. It's just to show what the game will look like and to see if there is any real problems with format. A lot of images are just ? because it takes time etc. Not really going to say much more, thats up to you guys.

Once again asking about free message boards.

Gratz to Nerva who properly ID, Hitomi Kashiwa from Welcome to the NHK!



  1. the double planning (whore/maid/rest...) and the skills planned to develop (morning, afternoon evening and night) seems weird to me.

    i've got a quest (find a rare coin) but I have no idea on what to do after

    also when you buy an object you've got 2

  2. It says download to the right.. isn't it to the left..

  3. to Anon 2:
    Hih~, he mean not right-"place", but your right-decision. i think.
