Monday, July 5, 2010

Otherworld ~ Personalized Events

Actually have had this one working for a few weeks, just never got around to showing you guys. Personalized events, for girls, something Slave Maker excels at, and Whore Master failed miserably at. Otherworld allows for changing any event to a personalized one for the slave. Just so were clear this is done in the girls class and is completely independent of the core code.

var GameMugi:Object = {
girlEventFunction:function MugiEventsStarter(eventNum:int):Boolean {
return MugiEvents(eventNum);

function MugiEvents(eventNum:int):Boolean{
if (eventNum == 2010) {
storyHopper.push("" + peopleName(10) + "
Can we do some part jobs together?");
mainTextStart(12000, 0, 110);
return true;
return false;

Cool huh? Btw images are done the exact same way.

I have figured it out, the ones that I think are hard, are easy, and the ones that I think are easy are hard. So hints: 1) licensed in US (You can still get it in a nice box set with the dvd and mangas for about $10)
2)Only anime that was so shocking I forgot to breath for a second.



  1. I think its from Alien 9

  2. what the link for download this game (otherwold)?

  3. Hey I have a bit of a question. After having a girl for awhile she suddenly starts going insane, and I can't figure out how to make her sanity increase. What do I do?

  4. ^^ Check the Christmas entry for a download link

  5. Can some one make a "ready to play" file to this game??
    My PC is pissing me off!! XD

  6. whats the link for downloading this game ? otherworld

  7. When I move a girl to another room, she'll randomly move around to other rooms and the tasks will reset to rest.
