Friday, August 20, 2010

New icons

Lots of new icons thanks to Flagnine1 and I wanted to show them in an image. Which is why they were put off a day. Love easy to understand icons that speed up game play.

Still working on the room set up for assistants. While it should be a simple replication of the code used for the slaves, I made a few modifications the main one being that the player can only be in masterbedroom 1 or the hallway, and getting that to work is turning out to be rather entertaining.

Changed text around in so that there grouped together as per board suggestion
new function spotFlipAssistant
new function findWhatAssistant
new Global Variab whatAs
bug - assistants won't change in room 23 - haha added the code didnt add the trap
new function checkLastRoom
bug - assistant cant go from 20 to 24
bug - assistants cant go from 21+ to 20 even when assistant is in that room
added new job images... still cant test them jobs still broken
added new buttons will need to format them again once all new buttons are in place
bug - x spots seem to be wrong when just one slave - now seems to work will have to watch for this one
note tomorrow need to look at function personaljobList and start working on assistant based jobs

Davealooba correctly IDed Mawata Awayuki from Pretear. Pretear is a rather hard to describe anime, a reverse harem that just keeps refining itself. The ending is done very well and the maid is freaking awesomely evil, evil maids are good.

I think this lady is pretty easy... but I have been wrong before.


1 comment:

  1. looks awesome a lot better than the "?" buttons and I see you have redcape's location buttons in as well.

    the girl is Allister Agrew from Last Exile.

    I really liked this anime but I remember it being a little on the preachy side.
