Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More bugs, what a surprise

I claim sick for lack of progress on the bug front. A note, saving and loading errors I'm going to do last. Other then that I dont have much more to say.


bug - quests and tattoo plans expendable items can be dragged and they crash the game - fixed
bug - items are changing when stripped off of girls changing class - OBO error? - think fixed
bug - ate item collar when stripping girls changing class - think fixed - its not doing what it was doing
bug - if you click the options button multiple times on the opening scene it stops going anywhere - fixed i still have no idea what was causing that mess just added an extra variable to fix it
bug - drinking love potion will now make your slave happier again - fixed
bug - was reported bubba screwed up sexs - can't reproduce
bug - chastity belt is going into mask spot - fixed
bug - dildo even with a locked chastity belt on can be added - fixed
bug - dildo put on first and then removed through a chastity belt -
bug - dildo is disapearing after going to the blacksmith as are other items - items still exist just arnt being displayed looks like items that the blacksmith displays - fixed

Gratz to Zincat who Ided Dolce Saito from Geneshaft. I loved Geneshaft one of the best action anime's ever made and almost completly forgotten now a days. You can get the box set for about $10. Lots of action, killer sound track, and always happy to kill off main characters. Did I mention the OS actually tells the user to panic when it crashes, eat that blue screen of death.

Our mystery girl for today also fights bugs. Good luck to those playing.



  1. Canal Vorfeed from Lost Universe.

  2. Canal Vorfeed from Lost Universe.

  3. The episode where she downloads the newest windows patch still makes me smile. To this day.

  4. I knew she looked familiar, forgot I was watching that series.

  5. I didn't know this existed until a minute ago. Hmm. Thanks for your work
