Saturday, October 1, 2011

A nada night

One of those nights where nothing got done. Got like one bug done and that took forever. So just going to take credit for it tomorrow.

Spent the last week working on building the data exchanges from local acres to combat in OW:Conquest. Yes I've been at it for a week now and still don't have it working that just shows how little time I've had to play with it. Starting to get irritated to tell you the truth and tired. Today is day 5 of an 8.5 work days in a row but I got 1 day off before this marathon started. This is what I get for asking to go part time I guess, oh and there adding another account to my workload, which means even less time to play with bugs and stuff.

So Tired...



  1. Outta curiosity, whats that picture from, it looks familiar hmm

  2. Damn man... I'm checking your work for over 3 mounth already. All i have to say - you ARE working on this game! )) Not everybody have this kind of energy and willingness. I realy hope you will finish it! Wishing you all the best!

  3. Thanks for your continued work. Your awesome.

  4. You should be able to find that picture in chapters 7 of Super Dreadnought Girl 4946

    about OW:Conquest is the combat system going to use group of units like rance 7 or individual units like the other similar games. e.g. T to T, Utawarerumono, Princess Kari Dungeon Master

  5. I want to do more towards ROT3K where you can call out generals or do army battles. Is there a translated Utawarerumono?!?!


  6. Yes there is... Fan one if i'm not mistaken... That game is gold... So wanted a sequel...

    Also there's an anime based on the game, pretty faithful... one noticeable difference is there's no SEX(Duh?)

  7. I loved the anime any link for the game and translation?




  9. Hum. Not sure if you already played it, but as one of the Anonymous mentioned it, you should play Tears to Tiara if you liked Utawarerumono.
