Thursday, September 9, 2010

September Debugged Release

Well here it is very slow took almost the first 1/3 of a month.... oh well. Think I got most of the bugs, though I'm sure that some slipped through. Saving and loading no longer crashes the game, but its not working very well for assistants. Other then that... enjoy.

Down load links are to your left.


bug - background lost again this time with 0 slaves but one in the pen paging through the day - fixed
auction buttons scrutched - fixed
reported - 4) With two slaves in the original house, I tried to have one in lock down (Menace archetype) and one in personal training (Orihime) for the morning shift and the message about the house being clean popped up, but when I click next, it doesn't proceed with the girls' trainings and just moves me back to the house screen with no change in time. I moved the Orihime archetype off of personal training and put her in lock down as well, and the shift progressed like normal. - unable to replicate this may have been part of the skip personal training issue previously resolved
board suggestion - In the Jewelry Store, clicking on Piercing should really have confirmation, like purchasing requires you to click the buy button. - seriously modified how choice text works - i have a feeling i just created more bugs then removed. - added
reported - 30) [molenir] In the walkthrough, going to the Pens, and selecting purchased slave, then returning home, tells you to go to the pens in order to pick up your slave. Doing so, and then returning will allow the walkthrough to continue.- unable to replicate
bug - 31) [molenir] In walkthrough, after clicking on the slave, clicking on the collar gives you rare item dialog. But not really visible as the shaded box disappears for that text. - i got a rare item text - the fix for this was so stupid - fixed
reported - 34) [molenir] After 2 days auction block stops working, no talk, no slaves appear, may have to do with quest given through there - unable to replicated
bug - 36) Three girls owned (one Menace, two Sabers), House screen: Third room in original house is not allowing me to assign the girl any task. I enter the assigning screen, and there's no mark on any of the task... it does appear when I choose which task to assign a girl, but when I return to the House Screen, the task remains set to rest regardless of which girl or task I try to set. - bet i never put this code in - fixed
text editing - A virbrating phallus pushed into the slaves vagina. - A vibrating phallus that will be pushed the slave's vagina.- fixed
bug - In the icon changing screen the radio box for Artist is slightly bigger. - fixed
reported - 1) Girl's pictures on the auction block often don't correspond with their archetype. - unable to reproduce and it has been reported a few times....
bug - saved game has no background - fixed
played with saving and loading - think its working but no saving of assistants

1 comment:

  1. Loading and saving doesn't work with FireFox at all, loading broken in sept debugging version, buy button missing in some of the shops, there is a copy of Otherworld.swf in girls folder
