Friday, September 17, 2010

Character screen about done

Sorting works, I thought it would take a couple days... it took a little over an hour. Either I'm getting better or luckier. Character Screen is about done now... just need to do some debugging and text labeling. Hopefully will be able to add new content starting tomorrow.

BTW Rightstuf has pre-orders of the Queens Blade first Season blue rays on sale 25% off. Menace gets an entire episode in the first season as she tries to turn Leina into one of her servants.... ^.^ There is something about queen's blade that is just lovely and for what could have been a terrible TV series was actually fun to watch. But how come Menace isn't on the cover?!?!


new function playerItemListenersAdd add the listeners to the items in the player array... just breaking down the componets to make the sorting easier.
new function playerItemPlacing add the items to the character screen... breaking down the componets more
now that the componet parts of the placing items are broken down... and the normal version is still working should be a bit easier to make the sorters. with those componets.
new function itemCheckSorting just does internal checks on which global sort is up
sorting appears to work in every circumstance i can think of.
new buttons Stats, General, Combat for character screen
added tabs to the top to allow more girl information to be displayed
resized girl images and moved there axis
fixing the bug of small stats screwing up the stat bars - fixed
new girl variables:

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