Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More title screens

Yesterday everyone seemed to be overwelming in love with:

RedCape posted two more new title screens.

A few more to vote on now. Please post your likes or dislikes.

I am really running behind this month, expect the september update to be a few days late...


Buttons now say go to town rather then go home in shops.
added in icons and jobs made by Flagnine1 and Redcape
new assistant variables
began working on assistant screen
fixed character screen happiness and sanity x and y so they can be used for assistant screen.
character screen needs fixing now that the new buttons are in place playing with it

No one got yesterdays ride. Which to me was a bit odd, since it was a great ride. Though I sort of liked the orignal OAVs a bit better then the two TV series. And any more hints would be a bit unfair.



  1. number 3 the color one with red assistant is my favorite.

  2. Give three another vote.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Three, the title screen has to have color.

  5. three for me too.
    well i like more the third of the previus post, but with that discarded... the third of this post.

  6. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say 3 as well.

    And as for the ID question, I'm gonna take a stab with saying it's Birdy

  7. Much better placement of the silhouette... I say use 3 (full color with silhouette) for the main titles, and then try making the title in 2 (sepia non-silhouette) a bit transparent (somewhere between 50-75% solid) and use that as your credits background.

  8. I like the silhouette placement a lot more this time round, but the sudden red is distracting. I'm gonna hafta stick with the first.

  9. I like the fourth one best (hm, I'm all alone here). Three would be my second choice though.

  10. I can tell I'm a bit late here, but my choice would be the first. 3 is ok, certainly not terrible, but the first one seems more classy.
