Monday, August 2, 2010


Yes I said that I would try for a re-release today, its not going to happen. As a matter of fact that was a lot of bugs a whole lot of bugs, a shit load of bugs. And all i can hear is this young lady yelling at me to find them or she will kill me.

changed princess' name "Mizuki Konoujo" gratz again to neos
bug - labels in pens cutting off slaves name - fixed can handle the princess' longest name in the game
bug - need to remove listeners from items in blacksmith and tattoo shop so clicking doesnt try to lock them outside of the room - fixed
new function removeAllItemListereners - works with the already built removeItemListeners()
bug - tattoo shop is now going to character screen when changing girls - only happens when girl has an item equipped - fixed
bug - tattoo rag doll is appear in jewelry shop... - fixed
new function removeCycleListeners
bug - more text box issues with the jewerly shop and rollover - fixed
princess isnt a maid anymore... this will be changed to leadership class someday
bug - character screen welfare labels changing when clicking on an item - fixed (i doubt it) - not fixed - fixed again
bug - bikinis are now tattoos... - fixed
bug - 2nd class background not showing in character screen - fixed
items dragged on character screen will now float on top
bug - quests and tattoo plans expendable items can be dragged and they crash the game
new function whatSlot(item):int


Today's mystery girl is the one at the top of the post. Yes I am being cheap on images, but she's an old favorite.

As for the prize naming the king was suggested and seemed like a good prize.


1 comment:

  1. Dolce Saito from Geneshaft....

    I must really get around to trying the game, I'm so busy these days...
