Friday, July 30, 2010

Contest winner - Neos

After compiling the results it is mathematically impossible for anyone to win besides our winner, Neos, congratulations! You have won the prize of naming the princess. Enjoy! Please contact me to get your prize.

The actual stats:

7/1 Nerva
7/3 AJ
7/5 Neos
7/6 Nerva
7/9 Nerva
7/10 IrresponsibleTy
7/11 Kenki
7/13 HighPriest
7/14 Neos
7/16 Lord_Ian
7/17 Neos
7/18 Neos
7/19 Neos
---Bonus after this---
7/21 Davealooba
7/22 Neos
7/23 CoveredByBlankets
7/24 Flagnie1
7/25 Neos
7/26 Flagnie1
7/27 Flagnie1
7/28 Neos

11 Neos
6 Flagnie1
3 Nerva
2 CoveredByBlankets
2 Davealooba
1 IrresponsibleTy
1 Kenki
1 HighPriest
1 Lord_Ian
1 AJ


Still more bug hunting.


updated town screen added text street name and prettied up the buttons.
updated and played with buttons in auction screen... there still ugly but there consistant
bug - changing radio buttons in icon changer will show radio buttons for classes that dont exist - fixed
reorganized functions in to make more sense
bug - shop arrays are disapearing when reloaded and not rebuild on each load - cleaning code was happening before checks ;_; - fixed
shops now only get new items once a day... saving and loading will result in empty shelves :)
removed old function catsPawShuffle()
bug - next day went 3 days - unable to duplicate - maybe pressed button 2x by accident
bug - change name pressed on empty array crashes game - fixed
bug - appraisal pressed on empty array crashes game - fixed
bug - certain images disapearing in blacksmith screen on empty array - fixed
bug - locking items on empty array crashes game - fixed
bug - loading an empty array crashes the game multiple issues - fixed
shop jewelry store will now display the girls name and image
blacksmith show will now display the girls name and image
futanari slaves can't wear strap ons
futanari slaves can't wear basic chastity belts

Not that it counts but no one actually Ided this girl... Hints: Tennis Rachet, blonde permed hair, older series.

Wunder did get the bonus question :)


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