Sunday, August 26, 2012

And the programmer said let there be bugs

Lots of little bug fixes again.  No known crash bugs at this time (though maybe one but not sure as unable to replicate.)

The bug list is getting much shorter which is good.  I'm shooting for a release on 9/10 the first day of my vacation.  We shall see if it happens.



Thought fixed but i guess its not

Error unknown label: eve not found: sickjobafter

rest seems to fire even when sick!

-- fixed misnamed labels


8/3/12  rudi_stoned build 1056

* Talk buttons do nothing - assuming assistant
event is firing just no event/text

--fixed a while back


8/9/12 - anom

when buying slaves money amount wont update until one leaves the street



8/9/12 - anom

the shops get new items every time you enter it

--Okay I didn’t actually want to think about how to do this because shops are now made from xml but after a little thought... I spent all today thinking different scenarios on how to do this it now works.  I actually just made an array and then fill it with classes of the name of the shop and the items.

8/9/12 - anom

one cant lock equipment in place on a slave at the blacksmith

This is a crash bug...

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at otherlib.shopcontroller::shopMarketEvents$/shopPreSale()[C:\Users\Nabiki\Desktop\SourceForge\trunk\otherworld\libs\otherlib\shopcontroller\]
at otherlib.shopcontroller::shopMarketEvents$/itemSellShop()[C:\Users\Nabiki\Desktop\SourceForge\trunk\otherworld\libs\otherlib\shopcontroller\]

-- this appears to be bad listeners presale should not be called for an item.
--added flavor events


  1. Yay, more bugs (Brings out fly swatter) Whap!! Whap!! ewww that was a goo filled one... (wipes the goo off on Daisy)...
