Monday, February 13, 2012

Event Tester

So after some thought and some head banging we now have a primitive event tester that will be fleshed out a bit more. The main goal is to allow modders and me a quick way to test new events. Its pretty simple idea that way don't have to start the main game run over to the auction hall buy a girl and set any other events to test an event instead I can just select the event and run it... Its on the SVN though you can't select the version of the event yet... thats next up.



  1. Really nice work, all in all!

    BTW, any chance of getting an updated "Images of Otherworld" package at some point when you have the spare time?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Theres actually no real reason for one now all images are on the svn at

    or you can just d/l the svn

    the same for the girl images as well...

