Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Still stumped...

This seemed to me like the perfect answer...

Since my idea of sending in the base stage didn't work.

With some help from

I still get nothing... I'm starting to think it might be a good idea just to make 5 different versions for the classes that hold data. But I really wanted to level up with a cool new trick. Anyone got any suggestions.

I did try John's idea of making an object of it. And well the above is just a more complicated version of that neither worked for me.

I also tried compuscribes

this[data][variable] by parsing in this[classname][variablename] that failed also tried from base stage. I don't know... I feel like I'm just missing one key word or something.



  1. Have you tried removing the "getQualifiedClassName" bit? It seems to me like it might not be necessary. I'm far from 100% sure, but if you have a string whose value is "otherlib.GameData" then you should be able to pass that to getDefinitionByName and get a new otherlib.GameData instance.

    To me it looks like "getQualifiedClassName" is meant to be called on an *object* so you can get its class name. If you already have the class name as a *string*, then you don't need it.

    Of course, looking at your code, it seems like even if it works you'll end up with a *new* otherlib.GameData object. It'll be completely blank, uninitialized and separate from any *other* GameData objects that might be hanging around. ...UNLESS you do a singleton thing, but you'd need to be calling a class method, right?

  2. Here's a bit of code that will help you turn "dot notation" into values. It might be another piece of the puzzle.

    var argh0:Object = new Object();
    argh0["bleh1"] = new Object();
    argh0["bleh1"]["bleh2"] = new Object();
    argh0["bleh1"]["bleh2"]["bleh3"] = "fneee";

    trace("11b: " + argh0.bleh1.bleh2.bleh3);
    // As we can see, the value of argh0.bleh1.bleh2.bleh3 is "fneee".
    // But how do we get to that value with just strings? Here's how:
    var var_name0:String = "argh0.bleh1.bleh2.bleh3";

    var var_array0:Array = var_name0.split(/\./);
    trace("12: " + var_array0);
    var temp_name:Object;
    var temp_var:Object;
    while ((temp_name = var_array0.shift()) != undefined)
    if (temp_var == undefined)
    temp_var = this[temp_name];
    temp_var = temp_var[temp_name];
    //trace("value: " + temp_var);
    //trace("var: " + temp_name);
    trace("Loop end. Final value: " + temp_var);

  3. Not 100% sure, since I haven't coded AS3 yet, but I think the problem is

    var instance: **CLASS**

    You're trying to instantiate a String, as far as I can tell, so I think it would have to be either
    var instance:String = new Definition()
    var instance:Object = new Definition() (in case you need to be more generic)

    The error message seems to fit this; "" (a string) cannot be converted to a class (an object which describes a class).

    At least, that's how it would work in C#. ^^

    gl fixing this
